Recording, video mapping on collage, 126X260, 2018
I began this project following the coup attempt in 2016, a time when Turkey was already in the midst of
political difficulties. In the face of social or personal traumas, breaking the connection to our own
emotions manifests itself as a coping mechanism. In this case, we can no longer talk about a linear
perception of time. In this defensive way of perception, it is not so much possible to find our inner track.
The mask of the so-called realistic worldview that is built through past and future falls down at such
moments. At moments of vital threat, our physical and mental reality is fundamentally shaken as well as
our positioning in the world.
At the time when I started with this project, I was also working on writing a thesis about Walter
Benjamin’s concept of history. It is widely known that Benjamin himself faced a vital threat and unable to
endure the pressure, he ended his life on his own. Consisted of pieces, or of montages, speaking in
Benjamin’s terms, The Arcades Project is his most remarkable effort to denounce the whole system of so-
called history and reality, and a work that unfolds this effort technically as well. This mapping I carried out
in my work with inspiration from Benjamin’s comments on Angelus Novus, invites to read the history and
reality through the technique of collage, which technically represents the disintegration of reality.