Open For Your Participation

SENSITIVE SOUNDS Elif Öner & Evrim Kavcar

Dear Reader, “Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds” is open for your participation. You are welcome to add a detailed description of a sound that is rooted in your memory.

“Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds” is an open platform initiated by artists Elif Öner and Evrim Kavcar. Its aim is to enhance practices of listening and remembering sounds. The process of adding a new description is therefore twofold: We recall a particular moment, a particular gesture or an experience that results in or involves a particular sound. Description of a sound that is inseparable from the gesture, the act, the situation as a whole: “On a cold winter evening, the sound of breath that is exhaled and puffed onto the cold window of a crowded public bus stuck in the traffic jam in Zincirlikuyu right before reaching the Bosphorus Bridge“. Or we might chose to close our eyes to help focus. We listen attentively to the soundscape. We concentrate on listening to a specific sound. Live. Happening now. We write down what we hear. Then we refine our description of that particular sound.

You are welcome to watch the video below to get a better sense of how the “Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds” works.

    Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds , Elif Öner & Evrim Kavcar (ongoing project)

    This is a text based video that lists a selection of sensitive descriptions of sounds. With the word “sensitive” the artists aim to draw attention to the “in-between”, “unnoticed”, “subtle” etc. qualities. The tangible quality of sound comes across. The experience of the moment is recalled through the memory of a specific sound.

    Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds, Video, 43’’, no sound, 2018-2022

    Thank you:

    For your contribution to “Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds” with your own descriptions. Your participation has been invaluable: Abdulcelil İmir, A. Ali Salah, Alihan Ceyhan, Almıla A. Salah, Alp İşmen, Aslı Örnek, Aylin Seçkin, Aynur Ayas, Ayris Alptekin, Ayşe Gür, Ayşe Tümerkan, Banu Kovulmaz, Banu Taylan, Barışcan Avcı, Başak Kaptan Şiray, Baver Doğanay, Berivan T. Yıldırım, Burcu Kiriş, Buse Ezgi Er, Cemal Karakuş, Cihan Bilgiç, C. Can Yıldırım, Çağrı Saray, Çağrı Uslu, Deniz Memişoğlu, Derya Bayraktaroğlu, Derya Güngörmez, D. Furkan Kavcar, Didem Özbek, Dilan Akan, Dilde Mahalli, Dilek Kavcar, Ebru Ünal, E. Nur Akman, Eda Berkmen, Eda Emirdağ, Eda Sezgin, Eda Yıldız, Egemen Tuncer, Elçin Acun, Elif Taşçıoğlu, Emek Demirtaş, Emre Koyuncuoğlu, Ertan Alkan, Ezgi Özşahin, Ezgi Sönmez, Fehmi Öztürk, Gizem Aksu, G. Nurdan Özer, Gizem Ünlü, Gökçe Hiçyılmaz, Gözde Mualla, Gülan Kılıçgedik, Gülen Eren, Gülistan Gündoğan, Gülnihal Kalfa, Gülsün Metin, Hacer Kıroğlu, Hale Can, Halil Yalman, Hıdır Eligüzel, Hicret Ayaz İpek, H.Özlem Öner Tanaç, Işıl Şipal, İbrahim Alam, İlke Yılmaz, İpek Şenel, İpek Yeğinsu, İrfan Unutmaz, Kıymet Daştan, Kutlu Gürelli, Melda Şengün, Melike Bayık, Melike Koçak, Melike Özkarakahya, Meltem Sırtıkara, Merve Akar Akgün, Merve Basvari, Merve Karakaya, Merve Kılıçer, Murat Onur Öner, Müyesser Özçiftçi, Nalan Yırtmaç, Nazlı Yayla, Necdet Kavcar, Necla Unutmaz, Nejbir Erkol, Nergis Abıyeva, Nermin Saybaşılı, Neşe Baydar, Neşe Karasipahi, Nofe Ay, Oğulcan Yıldırım, Oğuz Öner, Ömer Tavşanoğlu, Özge Enginöz, Özgül Kahraman, Özgür Çimen, Ramazan Ertuğrul, Raziye Kubat, Rumeysa Kiger, Sedef Kermen, Selin Özçiftçi, Selin Söl, Senta Urgan, Serap Dakak, Sevda Köken, Sevda Pınar Yıldız, Sevgi Aka, Sevinç Alçiçek, Seyfettin Tokmak, Sibel Gökçen, Simay Baran, Sinem Ayata, Suna Yavaş, Sunay Başakçı, Süreyya Çakır, Taner Yücel, Tuğba T. Birincioğlu, Ulufer Çelik, Uras Kızıl, U. Kemal Durmaçalış, Ülfet Eker, Yavuz Gözeller, Zarife Bitim, Zeynep Adak, Zeynep Aktaş, Zeynep Ekşioğlu, Zeynep Karagöz, Zeynep P. Ekşioğlu, Zöhre Erdoğan, Zülal Güler, Züleyha Altıntaş and other contributors who want to stay anonymous.

    Elif Öner, Evrim Kavcar

    The Other (ongoing series)
    Sensitive Sounds
    Dear Reader
    Silent Migration
    You Already Know Half of The Story
    Futile Effort
    Again and Again
    Out of Frame
    In to In
    Historical Future Museum
    True Copy Of The Original (ongoing series)